Bracebridge, Lincoln

In 2010 residents of Bracebridge, Lincoln, carried out a Placecheck of their neighbourhood, with support from the council’s neighbourhood team and funding by Awards for All.

First they decided to divide up the Placecheck area into manageable sections. The steering group identified 10 zones. Residents completed walkabouts of each area, interviewing local people they met along the way. Two weeks (and several stops at the local cafe) later, the residents had completed all 10 zones and taken over 600 photographs. The neighbourhood team then began the task of pulling together all the information, identifying key concerns and starting discussions with agencies working in the area as to the findings could be used to benefit the community of Bracebridge.

Participants in the Placecheck included 70 children and young people from Bracebridge Infant and Nursery School, Manor Leas Junior School, the Priory LSST School and the Friday Night Youth Group.